DevX article from Bob DuCharme

Thought this should interest folk here. Excerpt:
OWL ontologies allow you to describe data and relationships between data 
items. Common examples of this include complex knowledge domains such as 
pharmacology, but you can use OWL ontologies with simple, 
straightforward data that most companies already have stored in a 
relational database package. When you add metadata to existing data, and 
then use that metadata to query the data collection, you get more value 
out of that data. Data is the most important asset of many 
organizations, so the use of standards-based technology to query data 
collections is becoming more and more attractive.

The primary goal of this article is to put together a demonstration of 
how you can use OWL to integrate two relational databases, and then 
perform queries against the aggregate collection to answer realistic 
questions that you could not answer without the addition of an OWL 




Received on Sunday, 3 August 2008 19:47:43 UTC