Re: Mapping SPARQL to SQL

Hello Ashok,

Asio Semantic Bridge for Relational Databases(SBRD) maps/rewrites SPARQL 
queries to SQL and converts SQL result set to RDF.

The approach we have taken for semantically merging data from one or 
more RDB(s) is to keep data source ontology(or ontologies) separate from 
the domain ontology and use SWRL mapping rules for mapping data from 
RDB(s) to the domain ontology.

My colleagues @BBN have published a paper for OWLED2008DC that might be 
of interest to us. The paper is "Use of OWL and SWRL for Semantic 
Relational Database Translation" and can be downloaded from [3].


[1] Asio
[2] Semantic Bridge for Relational Databases (SBRD)

 >Do any of you know about or have been involved in work that maps SPARQL
 >queries to SQL?
 >I'm assuming a Relational database that has been mapped virtually to
 >RDF.  SPARQL Queries
 >on the RDF representation would need to be translated to SQL queries on
 >the underlying Relational database.

All the best, Ashok

Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 06:11:39 UTC