References to papers for next week presentation (RDB2RDF)

Hi all,
As we discussed in the telecon today, here are a few details of our 
work that I will present in the next meeting (I had posted this 
information in an earlier mail, hence this might be repeated 
information for some members).

In association with Dr. Olivier Bodenreider at the National Library of 
Medicine (NIH)and the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), we are 
working on conversion of large scale NCBI RDBs such as Entrez Gene to 

The following two papers describe our RDB2RDF work:
a) With an associated formal knowledge model:
b) Without an associated formal knowledge model:

We are interested in exploring both the role of domain semantics and 
set of common characteristics across domains in conversion of RDB to 

I hope to send a few presentation slides sometime next week (before 
the next meeting).

Satya Sahoo

Knoesis Center,
Wright State University,

Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 19:40:28 UTC