Re: concept illustrations for the data journalism example

Hey Iker,

On Thursday 12 May 2011 10:10:21 Iker Huerga wrote:
> [...]
> Regarding processing step 2, I think that Olaf's suggestion of making
> ex:prov a Named Graph containing provenance information would be the
> best option. In my honest opinion, I am not a provenance expert,
> provenance information shouldn't be added to the HTTP payload, this
> could cause a network overhead . In the Web scenario there will be
> agents requesting either for provenance information or not.

That's exactly the kind of questions we should discuss in the "Provenance 
Access and Query Task Force". You find a first outline of the different 
possibilities to make provenance information available on the Web, including 
pros and cons, in Section 6 of the Provenance XG Final Report [1].

> If the approach, as I read in the "Guide to the Provenance Vocabulary",
> is to extend tools for automatically publishing provenance information,
> I would recommend that these tools generate a different graph for
> provenance information for each prv:DataItem. I will give an example
> extending processing step 2.
> being exf1= and ex=
> exf1:prov  rdf:type dcterms:ProvenanceStatement;
>                rdf:about
> ex:f1.                                            # I really do not know
> whether rdf:about can be used

No, it can't. rdf:about is nothing that can be used as a predicate in RDF 
data. Instead, it is an XML attribute that is part of the RDF/XML syntax
with which you can serialize a set of RDF triples.

> ex:f1      rdf:type prv:DataItem;                                 # in
> this context or not. In that case sioc:about could

sioc:about is an option.



>                prv:createdBy [rdf:type prv:DataCreation;  # be used instead
>                                         prv:usedData ex:d1;
>                                         prv:performedBy ex:gov ] .
> Thus, agent could automatically retrieve provenance information if
> necessary just requesting resource's URI plus prov, for instance.
> What do you think about this approach? Is it a misconception by myself?
> Best Regards.

Received on Thursday, 12 May 2011 11:19:02 UTC