Re: A proposed provenance wg draft charter

Hi Paolo,

I'll comment on the SPARQL question and leave the representation 
question for now. As you say below, I was imagining this would be a 
series of examples and template queries. It is a standard exercise but 
this is the sort of thing that makes people's life easier. Also, I 
imagine these could get fairly complicated for example relying on 
property paths.


>>>> 2.) Regarding Deliverable D4: What does "(3) how to query provenance
>>>> through a SPARQL endpoint" mean? What do you have in mind here?
>>> This would specify about retrieving provenance for a resource using
>>> sparql. So given a resource, how would you write a sparql query to
>>> retrieve that resource provenance.
>> Do we talk about a SPARQL endpoint that exposes a dataset which 
>> explicitly
>> contains provenance information here? In this case it shouldn't be 
>> too difficult
>> to write such queries; you only have to know which provenance 
>> vocabulary is
>> being used to represent provenance information in the dataset.
> I agree that given the vocabulaty, writing SPARQL queries against it 
> looks like a standard exercise. In this case,  is D4 just a collection 
> of examples or template queries?
> How about provenance queries that cannot be written directly in SPARQL 
> (closure queries that trace causality through the graph, for example)

Received on Monday, 25 October 2010 11:41:24 UTC