A proposed provenance wg draft charter

Hi All,

Today on the call we are scheduled to talk about preparations for the 
final report. Luc and I feel that to write a compelling final report we 
should be clear about exactly what the report should recommend. There 
has been some consensus that a working group should be formed around the 
recommendations extracted from the scenarios ( 

To that end, we have prepared a draft working group charter ( 
http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/lavm/draft-charter.html ). We note this is 
only *our own* proposal and we see this as a starting point for 
discussion within the group.

We look forward to any comments, questions, thoughts about this 
proposal. We hope this helps the group to continue to coalesce around a 
way forward.

Paul and Luc

Dr. Paul Groth (pgroth@few.vu.nl)
Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Group
Artificial Intelligence Section
Department of Computer Science
VU University Amsterdam

Received on Friday, 15 October 2010 12:04:09 UTC