Re: Suggested Concepts for Charter

Hi Paul,

Sorry for being concentrating on the details.

However, I am struggling with the mix of terminologies here, e.g. terms, 
concepts, model, ontologies, etc.

Some of the things listed here seem to be concepts from a specific 
ontology that implements the OPM data model, while some others (the part 
about Extensibility) seem to be talking about the model or best 
practices. What Simon and Jim have suggested so far are all things from 
a defined schema/ontology.

Personally, I would like to see we stick to one thing, like talking only 
at the data model level, or we pick one OPM implementation like OPMO 
(, and be specific.

Other than that, I see no problem putting all the concepts or terms and 
sharing them on the wiki.



Paul Groth wrote:
> Hi All,
> As we discussed on the call from Friday last week, below is the list of 
> core concepts from OPM that we think should be in the list that goes 
> with the charter.
> I actually think there is quite a bit of overlap with the suggested 
> concepts from Jim McCusker. Also, from the mappings activity, we know 
> these overlap with most of the provenance ontologies.
> If no one objects, I would like to put all the concepts we are all 
> sending to the mailing list on the wiki and start to group them together.
> Does that sound good to everyone?
> Comments are appreciated especially if any concept is thought to be 
> unnecessary. I'm looking forward to seeing the proposed concepts from 
> everyone else.
> Hopefully, we can reach a consensus soon.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Suggest Concepts from OPM
> We use opm: as a short cut for open provenance model.
> Graph:
> - opm:OPMGraph
> Definition: a provenance graph is defined to be a record of a past execution
> Example: Bob's Website Factory  provides proof in the form of a 
> provenance graph that the contract was executed as agreed.
> - opm:Account
> Definition: An account of the some past execution. Accounts offer 
> different levels of explanation for the same execution
> Example: Bob's Website Factory and Customers Inc both provide two 
> different and conflicting sets of information (i.e. accounts) describing 
> the provenance of the production of the the same website.
> Nodes:
> - opm:Artifact
> Definition: Immutable piece of state, which may have a physical 
> embodiment in a physical object, or a digital representation in a 
> computer system.
> Example: BlogAgg would like to know the state of an image before and 
> after modification to see if it was modified appropriately
> - opm:Process
> Definition: Action or series of actions performed on or depend upon 
> artifacts, and resulting in new artifacts.
> Example:  Alice collects data from public sources and "natural 
> experiment" data. Alice then processes and interprets the results and 
> writes a report summarizing the conclusions. All these steps should be 
> captured.
> - opm:Agent (*1)
> Definition: Contextual entity acting as a catalyst of a process, 
> enabling, facilitating, controlling, or affecting its execution.
> Example: Alice starts and facilities the tool SPSS when doing data analysis.
> Edges:
> - opm:Time (*2)
> Example: BlogAgg wants to find the correct originator of the microblog 
> who first got the word out.
> - opm:Role
> Definition: A role designates an artifact’s or agent’s function in a process
> Example: Whether a data file was used as a training or test data set 
> when running machine learning algorithms.
> - opm:Used, opm:UsedStar
> Definition: property to express that an artifact was used by a process.
> Example: The panda image was used by BlogAgg to generate a thumbnail image.
> - opm:WasGeneratedBy, opm:WasGeneratedByStar,
> Definition: property to express that an artifact was generated by a process.
> Example: A thumbnail image was generated by Blog Agg using the panda image.
> - opm:WasControlledBy (*1)
> Definition : property to express that a process was controlled an agent.
> Example: SPSS was controlled by Alice.
> - opm:WasDerivedFrom, opm:WasDerivedFromStar,
> Definition: property to express that an artifact was derived from 
> another artifact.
> Example: The thumbnail image was derived from the panda image.
> - opm:WasTriggeredBy
> Definition: property to express that a process was triggered by another 
> process.
> Example: Report writing was triggered by the interpretation of results.
> Extensibility (*3):
> - Some form of annotation, based on predicate-value pairs.
> Example: The data is of type a customer sales records. The data has size 
> 100 megabytes.
> - Profile mechanisms, including common types, common annotations,
>    and common graph templates
> Example: The image has a creative commons attribution license. This 
> pattern represents the exchange of messages in the http protocol.
> (*) indicates terms that require refinement
> (*1) Requires better, stricter guidelines for better inter-operabiltiy
> (*2) To be better aligned on Time ontology
> (*3) To be better specified to facilitate extensibility and to
>      be better aligned with RDF-like annotations

Dr Jun Zhao
Image Bioinformatics Research Group
Department of Zoology
University of Oxford
OX33 1SL
Phone: +44 (0) 1865 281 094

Received on Tuesday, 23 November 2010 17:39:12 UTC