Impressions on SWPM W3C prov-xg reporting session

Dear all,

As you know, last week we had the SWPM workshop, which is chaired by 
Amit Sheth and Juliana Freire and organized by Paolo Missier, Jun Zhao, 
Satya Sahoo, and myself. In the agenda, we included a session about 
progress and work done in the XG and after the report we had a 
discussion session where we raised the question "what is the most 
important item of provenance standardization for you and your community".

Through this question we expected to have insight from attendees wrt. 
future standardization activities, and indeed we got some, from members 
of the XG but also from other attendees from different communities. We 
have summarized views and comments in the attached doc.

As you can see, there seem to be no big news and everything is more or 
less in line with our conclusions at the XG, but it is still interesting 
in terms of WG-related priorities and relevant communities.

Just wanted to share this with the rest of the group. Comments welcome.



Dr. Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez
R&D Director
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Received on Friday, 19 November 2010 08:54:11 UTC