A data generator for BSBM that provides linked data characteristics

Hey Irini,

I did not quite got your question at the end of todays prov-xg call to which 
Chris' answer referred to my Named Graphs extension for the Berlin SPARQL 
Benchmark (BSBM). However, here's what I did. The original BSBM dataset 
generator is already able to generate a set of Named Graphs. However, the
way in which this generator partitions the whole set of generated RDF triples 
into NGs is not characteristic to the partitioning I would get when I look up 
the URIs in the generated dataset (given a Linked Data server would publish 
this synthetic data). Hence, I wrote another generator that partitions the 
whole set of generated RDF into a set of NGs which is more characteristic in a 
Linked Data consuming scenario. Find more details about this generator, incl. 
the source code, in this blog post:



Received on Friday, 5 March 2010 17:23:35 UTC