- From: Paolo Missier <pmissier@cs.man.ac.uk>
- Date: Sat, 27 Feb 2010 12:35:56 +0000
- To: mygrid@listserv.manchester.ac.uk, myexperiment-discuss <myexperiment-discuss@nongnu.org>, provenance-challenge@ipaw.info, public-xg-prov@w3.org
- Message-ID: <4B8911AC.8090005@cs.man.ac.uk>
#include <standard apologies for cross-posting> :-) for those of you who wisely planned to submit to the WANDS'10 workshop: please note that the new deadline is *March 12th*. Complete updated CFP attached. Please help creating good karma by spreading the word Cheers, -Paolo
* Call for Papers * WANDS 2010 1st International Workshop on Workflow Approaches for New Data-Centric Science workshop site: http://wands2010.doc.ic.ac.uk inquiries: wands10@easychair.org Held in conjunction with SIGMOD 2010 Indianapolis, IN, USA, June 6th, 2010 http://www.sigmod2010.org ---------------- NEW SUBMISSION DEADLINE: *March 12th* ---------------- Authors notification: April 30th Deadline for camera-ready copy: May 15th Workshop: June 6th *Keynote* by Prof. Bertram Ludaescher, UC Davis --------------------------- Note a slight change to paper format and submission guidelines: --------------------------- We invite full research or experience papers (up to 12 pages), or short papers (up to 6 pages) describing research in progress, formattedcm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) ----- FOCUS ----- The workshop aims at clarifying the role of workflow technology in accelerating science, by providing effective means to automate data management tasks on a large scale. Thus, it sits at the intersection between process management for scientific applications, and data management. A number of innovative, but uncoordinated, efforts in data-centric workflows have made their mark on the scientific and business world in recent years. The goal of this workshop is to use these efforts to start bringing together a research community around the theoretical foundations, technology development, and domain applications of workflow systems in the context of large-scale data management for science. In this spirit, we seek contributions from both researchers and practitioners on all aspects of data and process management that contribute towards this goal. More specifically, relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following: - Role of workfows in data analytics, mining and statistics - Performance estimation and optimization of workflow execution - Scalability of workflow-based solutions on very large data sets - Role of metadata in static profiling of dataflows - Impact of, and new requirements for, workflow technology on open science - Workflow warehousing, indexing, searching, and mining - Workflows for service orchestration - Mapping workflows to cloud computing environments - In-database workflow execution - User interaction models for complex eScience: visibility vs. commoditization - Workflow repurposing and reuse - Privacy models for data-centric workflows - Workflow semantics - Workflows as invisible middleware - Workflows in Service-oriented life sciences - Component-based business intelligence - Sensor data processing - Data integration and provenance tracking in medical research ---------------- SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ---------------- We invite full research or experience papers (up to 12 pages), or short papers (up to 6 pages) describing research in progress, roceedings style (http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates) be part of the SIGMOD DISC distribution and will be included in the ACM DL. --------------------------- CHAIRS --------------------------- Paolo Missier, University of Manchester, UK Vasa Curcin, Imperial College London, UK Susan Davidson, University of Pennsylvania, USA --------------------------- Program Committee --------------------------- Wil van der Aalst, University of Eindhoven, Netherlands Loretta Auvil, University of Illinois, USA Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia Jinjun Chen, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia Sarah Cohen-Boulakia, Univ. Paris Sud, France Mick Correl, Dana Farber Institute, USA Juliana Freire, University of Utah, USA Venkatesh Ganti, Microsoft Research, USA Michael Gertz, University of Heidelberg, Germany Moustafa Ghanem, Nile University, Cairo, Egypt Fosca Giannotti, IST – CNR, Italy Carole Goble, University of Manchester, UK Paul Groth, VU University Amsterdam, Netherlands Yike Guo, Imperial College London, UK Jan Hidders, Technical University of Delft, Netherlands Matt Jones, UCSB, USA Shiyong Lu, Wayne State University, USA Alex Michie, Erasmus Institute, Netherlands Luc Moreau, University of Southampton, UK Beth Plale, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK David De Roure, University of Southampton, UK Anthony Rowe, IDBS Ltd, UK Yogesh Simmhan, Microsoft Research, USA Philippe Soares, Wyeth, France Jacek Sroka, University of Warsaw, Poland Vlado Stankovski, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Douglas Thain, University of Notre Dame, USA Lizhe Wang, Indiana University, USA
Received on Saturday, 27 February 2010 12:36:27 UTC