Report from today's face-to-face meeting


We had a great turn out today, we had a lot of fun and were very  
productive in the process.  I want to thank everyone who was there for  
donating (investing?) your Sunday to contribute to the group's work.   
I apologize if we did not tweet and blog enough, but we were busy  
doing actual work...

You can see the agenda and discussion at [1] and detailed minutes at  
[2].  The major products of our work today are [3] and [4], which  
start to chart the path for our work in the coming months.

We decided not to have a telecon tomorrow (Monday) to report on  
today's activities, but rather that we will do that this coming Friday  
April 30th.

Tomorrow Monday a smaller subset of us will be continuing the work  
that we started today on [3] and [4] (look for us in room 202 or maybe  

We missed those of you who could not be here, but we will re-engage  
everyone at this Friday's telecon.  Don't miss it!

For the F2F participants in Raleigh NC,



Received on Sunday, 25 April 2010 22:55:59 UTC