Call for participation: FWCS 2010, April 26, Raleigh, U.S.A.

[[Apologies for Cross-Posting]]

                   CALL FOR Participation
            First International Workshop on
     The Future of The Web for Collaborative Science
Located at the 19th International World Wide Web Conference WWW2010
              April 26, 2010, Raleigh, U.S.A

The first international workshop on The Future of The Web for 
Collaborative Science aims to bridge the communication and knowledge 
transfer between the HCLS and web communities and to foster innovations 
in applying the latest web technologies to collaborative sciences. The 
workshop also aims to explore specific issues related to scientific 
collaboration on the web, e.g. trust, privacy, intellectual property, 
knowledge management, and the scale and diversity of data.

The technical program comprises a keynote by Dr Mike Conlon from the 
VivoWeb project, 8 regular paper presentations and a panel discussion 
[1]. FWCS also features a special social event after the workshop [2]. 
If you cannot join us for the workshop we also hope to see you in the 
social programme!

Participant must register using WWW'10 Online Registration System:


FWCS workshop chairs

Jun Zhao, Oxford University
Kei Cheung, Yale University
M. Scott Marshall, Leiden University Medical Center / University of
Eric Prud'hommeaux, W3C
Susie Stephens, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 20:58:28 UTC