W3C Provenance Incubator Group weekly tcon: take 2

Hi everyone:

The poll for setting up a time for the weekly tcon closed yesterday.   
It looks like the best ranked times for our weekly telecon still leave  
a quarter of responders not able to attend.  Given this, and since  
there are a few people that joined in the last few days, I would like  
to take another quick poll to see which of the top ranked times is  
preferred by the group.  Let's try to choose a time that maximizes  

The new poll should take 10 seconds to fill.  Please be as flexible as  
you can, and use the full range of options to indicate whether you  
want a "yes and prefer" versus "yes" versus "yes but prefer not".  Go  


It will close at midnight ET Oct 21.

If anyone is interested in the results of the initial poll, they are  
available at:


I would like to plan on our kickoff telecon to be during the week of  
October 26.  I realize many of us may be at ISWC, but let's at least  
get the ball rolling.



Begin forwarded message:

> Resent-From: public-xg-prov@w3.org
> From: Yolanda Gil <gil@ISI.EDU>
> Date: October 6, 2009 1:06:24 PM PDT
> To: public-xg-prov@w3.org
> Subject: W3C Provenance Incubator Group: Welcome and planning
> Welcome everyone to the W3C Provenance Incubator Group!
> As the group's chair, I want to thank you for agreeing to  
> participate, and look forward to your contributions in this area.
> We were approved on September 22, and I have already heard from many  
> of you as well as others about their intention to join.  We have a  
> very diverse set of participants, and there are others that are in  
> the process of joining.  If there are specific people that you  
> believe would be good to have in the group, let me know or feel free  
> to contact them directly.
> For those of you who have not had experience with W3C before, W3C  
> has many very useful processes and tools to manage these distributed  
> collaborations, and I will try to convey them to you as I learn them  
> myself.
> We will use the mailing list public-xg-prov@w3.org for email  
> communications.  Note that all messages sent to this list will be  
> posted publicly on the web, as well as our meeting minutes and other  
> documents.
> Our first order of business is to set up a time to hold a weekly  
> telecon.  We will do this using a W3C tool for polling.  Just fill  
> the form that is posted at:
> 	http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/43897/WeeklyTconXGprovenanceForm/
> This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on  
> 2009-10-13.  Answers received after that time may not be counted.   
> Since there are many participants from Europe and the US, I only  
> proposed time slots that would be sensible across all the time  
> zones.  Hopefully we will find a time that works for most.
> Let me know if you have any questions for now.
> Yolanda
> Yolanda Gil
> http://www.isi.edu/~gil

Received on Friday, 16 October 2009 17:22:18 UTC