Re: mendelay + official xg tag?

Deborah and Paolo:
I have added your and the other refs on the wiki to the Mendeley collection
please be aware that the link on this ref points to a different paper...

PML - Deborah L. McGuinness and Li Ding and Paulo Pinheiro da silva and 
Cynthia Chang. PML 2: A Modular Explanation Interlingua. In Proceedings 
of the AAAI'07 Workshop on Explanation-Aware Computing, July, 2007.

regards, -Paolo

Yolanda Gil wrote:
> Paolo et al:
> This looks very nice, thanks for assembling this.
> Perhaps the few papers listed in the wiki at:
> could be added to the Mendeley collection, so we have them all in one 
> place? There is a pointer to the Mendeley collection from the wiki 
> already.

Received on Wednesday, 18 November 2009 22:47:41 UTC