[Web Standards Project] Re: Executive Summary + Conclusion added to whitepaper

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C45195162

Glenda Sims commented on a message:

   Dave, You are spot on about us needing to refine our goal. OWEA
   doesn't create the Web Science Degree Field...Faculty and their
   institutions do. We are refining the OWEA White Paper conclusion
   to more accurately reflect that. I think this was always the
   intent...it just wasn't clearly stated.

   As for the web career pathways piece...I would say that is a
   crucial piece to the relevance of the curriculum. It may not be
   the same folks that work on the curriculum that help clarify web
   career paths. And I don't expect the pathways to be so detailed
   that they are at the job description/job posting level. But like
   the InterAct curriculum is a framework...I believe we need to
   establish a web career pathway that maps to the reality of what
   industry needs and the curriculum teaches.

   One of the forces that inspired InterAct is faculty wanting to
   share (or needing access to this kind of material). Another
   major force is the web industry begging for well qualified
   applicants coming out of our educational institutions.

   Thanks for your awesome insights and questions. You really help
   us focus our message and energy.


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Received on Tuesday, 15 September 2009 20:32:19 UTC