[Web Standards Project] Re: OWEA Whitepaper — Tracking

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C44989392

Steph Troeth commented on a message:

   Hi all,

   Firstly, thank you all for such a phenomenal effort in getting
   your drafts in on time. It's made Virginia, Scott's and my job a
   lot easier!

   Here's where we're at: Virginia & Scott have done edits, and
   I've just gone through the whitepaper from beginning to end
   (whew). If you have a section that needs a bit of rewrite, you
   would have received a direct email from me. I think we're in an
   excellent shape overall!

   There's one thing that seems glaringly missing to me — we
   need a description of WE-Rock events. We made a mention to these
   events in the sustainability section and in outreach, but
   nothing explaining what it is. I guess Leslie might be the right
   person to give us some text on this? I'm thinking this should
   belong in the "outreach" section--thoughts?

   (You'll also notice I got tired of navigating between sections
   so there are now back/forth links on every section ...)



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Received on Sunday, 13 September 2009 23:22:58 UTC