[Web Standards Project] OWEA Whitepaper — Tracking

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/P25254412

Steph Troeth said:

   Hi everyone,

   I've created a table near the bottom this page:

   It lists every section, primary authors, with draft/edit status
   in separate columns.

   I've done my best in putting the most current information I've
   seen about states of completion, please go ahead and amend
   directly if I got them wrong.

   Virginia, Scott, please note down the sections you've completed
   editing/review as well.

   Just a reminder: we are aiming to have all drafts in by the end
   of tomorrow so we have time to go back and refine things over
   the next week days.

   Thank you all for your great work so far!


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Received on Wednesday, 9 September 2009 23:18:25 UTC