[Web Standards Project] Re: Organizational White Paper draft

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Company: OWEA
Project: Open Web Education Alliance
Link: https://webstandardsproject.grouphub.com/C44061237

Steph Troeth commented on a message:

   Hi Anne,

   Thanks for your interest and comments. Looks like my reply to
   Tom on the public list didn't make it back into Basecamp, so I'm
   repeating a part of it here.

   This (draft) whitepaper is part of a greater deliverable, as
   documented here on our "home" page at the W3C:

   There was also a lot of work done with regards to educational
   content and outreach from the recent F2F summit. Please add your
   thoughts and comments on the following public wiki pages, we
   value input and feedback:


   The final whitepaper will contain the topics discussed at our
   recent F2F Summit:

     * Type of Organization
     * Membership
     * Sustainability and Resourcing
     * Course Content Policies
     * Outreach
     * Intellectual Property Policies

   The people who make up OWEA are currently all volunteering their
   time to create a sustainable, organizational entity that can
   devote ongoing resources to furthering web education, as
   facilitated by being a W3C incubator group. We recognise that in
   order to succeed, we have to devote time to making sure we are
   well-resourced for the long term. Our goals (in detail) are on
   the charter page:

   Hence, if you are interested in what we're doing, we do urge you
   to participate - we welcome questions and can always use some
   extra muscle.



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Received on Tuesday, 1 September 2009 12:34:29 UTC