International Standard ISO/IEC 24752 on Universal Remote Console (URC)

This standard [1] was released in Feb. 2008, and should be relevant to the
work of the model-based UI XG.  A core piece of the standard is the "user
interface socket", a specification of an abstract user interface.  The idea
is that a standard-conformant device or service publicly expose one or
multiple user interface sockets and a description of the socket structure
(via the user interface socket description language, as defined in the
standard).  Any concrete user interface can plug into the socket, thus
providing an open platform for user interfaces.


The URC Consortium [2] is a loosely organized group of institutes and
companies interested in the promotion and implementation of the URC
standard.  The URC Consortium is also developing implementation guidelines
and technical reports [3] around the URC standards.


One of these technical reports is the "Universal Control Hub" (UCH), as
specified in  In this profiling of the URC
framework a middleware allows to apply the URC standard to controllers and
devices/services that are not URC-compatible.  See [4] and [5] for recent
papers on UCH.








[1] ISO/IEC 24752:2008, Universal Remote Console, 5 parts: 

*	Part
mber=42309>  1: Framework (ISO/IEC 24752-1:2008)
mber=42310> Part 2: User interface socket description (ISO/IEC 24752-2:2008)
mber=42311> Part 3: Presentation template (ISO/IEC 24752-3:2008)
mber=42312> Part 4: Target description (ISO/IEC 24752-4:2008)
mber=42313> Part 5: Resource description (ISO/IEC 24752-5:2008)

[2] URC Consortium (URCC),


[3] URCC Technical Reports, 


[4] Zimmermann, G. (2007, Sep). Open User Interface Standards - Towards
Coherent, Task-Oriented and Scalable User Interfaces in the Home
Environments. In: Proceedings of  <> 3rd IET
International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE07), Sep. 24-25,
2007, Ulm University, Germany, p. 36ff. The IET, 2007. Paper available
online:  <>


[5] Zimmermann, G., and Vanderheiden, G. (2007, Aug).
aa70120ac8664&pi=1> The Universal Control Hub: An Open Platform for Remote
User Interfaces in the Digital Home. In:  <>
Springer LNCS, Volume 4551/2007.
f9577ac46&pi=0> Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Platforms and
Techniques. Pages: 1040-1049. ISSN: 0302-9743 (Print) 1611-3349 (Online).
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73107-8. ISBN: 978-3-540-73106-1. Springer Berlin /
Heidelberg, 2007. Paper available online:




 Dr. Gottfried Zimmermann

 ICT Accessibility Architect

  <> Access Technologies Group,

 Phone +49 7121 790806



Received on Monday, 15 December 2008 14:24:47 UTC