Re: [MMSEM] Music Use Case & FOAF

Hi Michael,

Michiel Hildebrand wrote:
> The rdfize is very nice.
> It would be great if we could extend the api for batch processing.
Yes, this sounds reasonable.
Passing a URL parameter like a M3U [1] (a list of MP3 files), or an XSPF 
(XML file)[2] it could be an option.
> After uploading a mp3 file I get in return all the nice stuff about 
> the artist that was not in there before, however, I do not get the ID3 
> stuff about the track.
Good point!
> Is this intended?
Well, not really. I still need to implement some more stuff (the never 
ending story, you know!).
So, all the ID3 tags I can extract (via python ID3 module), and their 
status in the mapping (ID3->MusicOntology, MO) are:

* tags['title'] => DONE (already exported into RDF)

* tags['artist'] => DONE (already exported into RDF)

* tags['album'] => NOT DONE. I couldn't find a way to link a track to 
its album-release in the MO, only the other way around: "an album  
mo:has_track track".

* tags['year'] => PENDING. My proposal is to link it with dc:date.

* tags['comment'] => PENDING. My proposal is to link it with dc:description.

* tags['genre'] => PENDING. My proposal is to link it with mo:Genre, but 
there are other proposals, like a SKOS taxonomy defining Musical
Instruments [1], so probably doing the same for Musical Genres would be 
a good option (although nobody will agree on the taxonomy :-) )

* tags['track'] => PENDING. Probably link it with mo:trackNum

[ BTW, Yves Raimond (Queen Mary University. London, UK) one of the 
creators of the MO is CC'ed, so he can comment whether I'm wrong! :-) ]

+ plus other attributes such as:
duration of the track => PENDING. Probably link it with mo:signalTime

Hopefully, the final version will include all these missing mappings in 
the code. But, as usual coding it takes much than expected...

Thanks for the comments Michael.

Cheers, Oscar

Received on Wednesday, 28 March 2007 14:12:11 UTC