Re: [newsml-g2] Multimedia Vocabularies on the Semantic Web released by W3C

Dear Laurent,

Thanks you very much for your comments! They were still on time, and the
published XGR document should address all your comments (see below).

> The document is not error-free about NewsML-G2:
> The name of the NAR has been changed by the IPTC to "News Architecture
> for G2 standards" and NewsML-G2 is now the name of the (future) IPTC
> standard focused on general news (text/photo/graphics/audio/video).
> NewsML (V1.2 being the latest version) is kept as the name of the
> current IPTC standard with its current syntax.
> All the references to NewsML have been clarified, since the document
> is talking about the G2 standards and not about the previous NewsML
> v1.2.
> It would be also worth noting that EBU is working or replacing P/Meta
> by NewsML-G2.
> The document now contains a note specifying that EBU is currently
> working on replacing P/Meta by NewsML-G2.
> Note: Another misleading fact is that XMP (the Adobe framework) is
> merged with the "IPTC Metadata for XMP" standard, which relies on XMP
> for expressing still image metadata. Therefore IPTC4XMP should be
> included as a "Multimedia Metadata Formats For Describing Still
> Images" (this may be soon the most used one in fact, as soon as the
> legacy IPTC headers fade away from photo processing softwares).
> This section has also been clarified, distinguishing from the XMP
> specification from Adobe with the "IPTC Metadata for XMP".
> But the important part is: NewsML-G2 is considered by the W3C MMSEM as
> a multimedia metadata format that is worth considering.
> Thanks to Raphaël Troncy, member of the MMSEM group, for his interest.
> Hope we will find some time to achieve a work on an OWL ontology for
> NewsML-G2.
> Absolutely! The documentation of a proposed formalization of NewsML-G2
> into OWL is almost complete and should be ready for review by all
> interested NewsML-G2 folks during August.

Best regards.


Raphaël Troncy
CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science),
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail: &
Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093
Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312

Received on Monday, 30 July 2007 14:00:24 UTC