- From: Erik Mannens <erik.mannens@ugent.be>
- Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 17:39:31 +0200
- To: "'MMSem-XG Public List'" <public-xg-mmsem@w3.org>
Dear all, I also am in favour of most things both Zeljko and Raphäel mentioned: [1]. we need some (more) fresh ideas (and not only from academics ... see also [2]). MMLab joined this XG just a few months ago as we had a project where the PhotoUC was a good entry point. Other projects are on their way (see also [3]) in collaboration with the broadcast world where the interoperability of both video metadata (maybe an extension of the PhotoUC) and also news metadata (we will probably join that UC as well than) are an important issue to solve. [2]. As we discovered lately, there are other consortia who want to tackle the same issues as we want to solve (e.g. I3A). In the light of forming a WG one day, industrial back-up of our work is needed and we should take the necessary time to approach the right (industrial) partners (see also [3]) [3]. MMlab is also in favour of starting again in September, because the new projects [1] will also be started then, some of us will have had the opportunity to try to partner with other consortia and bring on new members [2] and ,as Zeljko & Raphaël also mentioned, the working of our University is not optimal during summer as a lot of researchers are taking holidays. [4]. Personally, I also like the telecons every two weeks, as this keeps the momentum going -and our team wakeful :)- all the time. F2F's should be at least twice a year in my opinion, but that's not a problem I think as most of us kind of attend the same conferences anyway. Sincere greetings, Erik Mannens IBBT/UGhent- MMlab -----Original Message----- From: member-xg-mmsem-request@w3.org [mailto:member-xg-mmsem-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Zeljko Obrenovic Sent: donderdag 26 april 2007 13:15 To: member-xg-mmsem@w3.org Subject: Re: Charter of the extended XG Dear all, Just a few notes about Charter of the extended XG. I would like to propose a new document for a new charter - "Semantic multimedia and Web accessibility". Web accessibility is an important topic for W3C and the Semantic Web community. However, current initiatives, such as Web Accessibility Initiate (WAI), do not address the problem of accessibility of multimedia content on the Web. Semantic information about multimedia items opens lots of possibility for improving accessibility of multimedia items, as it is possible to present this semantic through alternative interaction modalities, such as, for example, describing an image through the speech for blind users. This area also provides direct links to other W3C initiatives about accessibility, and one goal of WAI is to synchronize and stimulate addressing accessibility issues in documents of other groups. I agree with Raphael that it is better if we could start new charter in September, instead of right now. Next two months are very busy for everyone, to say nothing about the summer break. Regards, Zeljko ----- Original Message ----- From: "Raphaël Troncy" <Raphael.Troncy@cwi.nl> To: <member-xg-mmsem@w3.org> Sent: Thursday, April 26, 2007 11:50 AM Subject: Re: Charter of the extended XG Dear all, Based on the proposed structure of discussion in the agenda, this is my personal view about the rechartering process for another XG. (warning: long). 1/ Objectives / Deliverables: I feel we have made a nice job gathering a community and some very interesting research questions and problems, BUT I feel we need now new fresh ideas in the general approach. In short, my personal opinion is that we should not do exactly the same thing that the previous XG. In details, as key objectives/deliverables for this XG, I see: - The interoperability document started in this XG: Currently, we have a bunch of use cases that stress interoperability problems when using multiple multimedia metadata formats and convincing arguments of why it is useful (the added value) and how to technically do that (using SW technologies). I really like these individual use cases, and there is now a need to compile them into a visionnary document, something we didn't have time to complete. - MPEG-7 is quite central for the multimedia community (even when they don't use it). There was several attempts to formalize this standard into OWL/RDF. I'm not convinced that it is possible to converge towards a single approach, nor that it is valuable. I think, however, that there is a very interesting work to do in comparing these approaches and more generally to link any MPEG-7 formalization to the other multimedia standards. There is influence and overlap between MPEG-7 and standards such as DIG35, DC, IPTC, ID3, etc. I would stress in this document where are the bridges ... - I would like to have another key problem brought by a company on these topics (thus the need to have industrial sponsors, see below). Vassilis has also mentionned some work (and possibly a document) in the Culturage Heritage domain which I find very interesting too. Finally, this follow-up XG should mention that it will maintain the two living pages (Vocabularies and Tools and Resources) that are great for this community. 2/ Sponsoring members: I had some discussion with Ivan Herman, who confirmed me that we are in a unique position (an XG extension) and that therefore there is no ready answer about whom should be the sponsoring members. Apparently, it could be the same or different ones than in the previous XG. My personal opinion is that we should have companies (W3C members) as sponsoring members (and not only participants) for this new follow-up XG. That would ease any possible future transition towards a WG (since sponsorship by companies is mandatory for WG). The deep reason is also because I think we have a unique opportunity with the WWW'07 conference in May (where I will present a lightening talk about the XG to all W3C members) and the Photo Metadata Conference(http://www.phmdc.org/, 7th of June), where I'm invited also. This is a great opportunity to get more industrial sponsors and involved them in the chartering process so they give also fresh ideas about what are the current problems that need to be solved (see above). 3/ Start/End date: I think we have lost 4 months last year because of a bad timing. We were surprised that the XG was accepted so fast, and we did nothing in May (because of the WWW'06 conference), just one telecon in June, a non-official F2F meeting in early July, then the summer break, and we have really started to work in September. So to avoid the same mistakes, I feel we should shift the start date in September. That allows also to have possible industrial sponsors in the charter! Therefore, my proposal would be to close the current affairs of this XG in the next 2 weeks, talk with the companies in Banff and in the Photo Metadata Conference, listen the recommendations from the XG project review meeting (14th of June) ... before submitting a new charter mid-june, with the aim of starting this follow-up XG early in September. 4/ Usual Meeting Schedule: As I pointed out to Giovanni, the scheduling of telecon and f2f has to be decided in the charter, but there is no fixed template forced by W3C. I also think that F2F are *very* important. I would like to have one F2F meeting at the very beginning of the XG, so in September according to my scheduling. Possible other F2F meetings could be colocated with ISWC'07 (November), SAMT'07 (December), WWW'08 (May), ESWC'08 (June), etc. I like the idea of having (phone) telecon every two weeks. This is the only way to keep the group active. The telecon might last more than one hour in certain case. The group could also be divided into task forces, that could have their own telecon on very specific subjects, even if it is not on a regular basis. W3C is very flexible for that. I would put emphasis on the "good standing" of telecon and follow-up of action points. I would propose to use the Tracker system in W3C to automatically follow up the action points and make emphasis that participants are expected to be in a good standing. 5/ Chairs: My personal view is that the follow-up XG should be co-chaired by an industrial and an academic persons. These persons do not necessarily have to come from a sponsoring member. 6/ Workshop discussion: The workshop idea is good, but I do not see what exactly we could discuss here. I feel the charter should mention with caution that the group will possibility organize a workshop, 4 months before the end of the XG, in order to move to a WG track. This workshop organisation SHOULD NOT be a deliverable (mandatory), otherwise we take the risk that a member that will not agree with this particular point, or do not want to commit to such a thing will not participate to the group (I remind that all participants have to agree on the charter!). Therefore, I would choose the phrasing with a lot of precaution and not make strong commitment here. Finally, we could also perhaps discuss about the name that this follow-up XG could have. My vote would be the same name "Multimedia Semantics". Anyone has better suggestion? Best regards. Raphaël -- Raphaël Troncy CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science), Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands e-mail: raphael.troncy@cwi.nl & raphael.troncy@gmail.com Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093 Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312 Web: http://www.cwi.nl/~troncy/
Received on Thursday, 26 April 2007 15:39:44 UTC