- From: Thomas Franz <franz@uni-koblenz.de>
- Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 16:03:00 +0200
- To: MMSem-XG Public List <public-xg-mmsem@w3.org>
Dear all, regrets for todays telco also from my side. As for today's telco and the ongoing discussion about the future of this XG, i pretty much agree with Raphaels points (see below). Here is an update for the Tagging Use Case: Last week, 7 students started to work on the so called student project "myTag" [1] (sorry, page is in German), I reported about the initial introduction session that took place already in February. The project is dedicated to generate user benefits from a unified view onto tagging-based metadata by providing a user interface for media retrieval and personomy management in form of a web site. The project work just started and will last until summer, so if we meet again in september (as proposed by Raphael) I hope to be able to show at least a demo. Regards, Thomas [1] https://www.uni-koblenz.de/FB4/Institutes/IFI/AGStaab/Teaching/SS07/myTag Raphaël Troncy wrote: > Dear all, > > Based on the proposed structure of discussion in the agenda, this is my > personal view about the rechartering process for another XG. > (warning: long). > > 1/ Objectives / Deliverables: > I feel we have made a nice job gathering a community and some very > interesting research questions and problems, BUT I feel we need now new > fresh ideas in the general approach. In short, my personal opinion is that > we should not do exactly the same thing that the previous XG. In details, as > key objectives/deliverables for this XG, I see: > - The interoperability document started in this XG: Currently, we have a > bunch of use cases that stress interoperability problems when using multiple > multimedia metadata formats and convincing arguments of why it is useful > (the added value) and how to technically do that (using SW technologies). I > really like these individual use cases, and there is now a need to compile > them into a visionnary document, something we didn't have time to complete. > - MPEG-7 is quite central for the multimedia community (even when they > don't use it). There was several attempts to formalize this standard into > OWL/RDF. I'm not convinced that it is possible to converge towards a single > approach, nor that it is valuable. I think, however, that there is a very > interesting work to do in comparing these approaches and more generally to > link any MPEG-7 formalization to the other multimedia standards. There is > influence and overlap between MPEG-7 and standards such as DIG35, DC, IPTC, > ID3, etc. I would stress in this document where are the bridges ... > - I would like to have another key problem brought by a company on these > topics (thus the need to have industrial sponsors, see below). > > Vassilis has also mentionned some work (and possibly a document) in the > Culturage Heritage domain which I find very interesting too. > Finally, this follow-up XG should mention that it will maintain the two > living pages (Vocabularies and Tools and Resources) that are great for this > community. > > 2/ Sponsoring members: > I had some discussion with Ivan Herman, who confirmed me that we are in a > unique position (an XG extension) and that therefore there is no ready > answer about whom should be the sponsoring members. Apparently, it could be > the same or different ones than in the previous XG. > My personal opinion is that we should have companies (W3C members) as > sponsoring members (and not only participants) for this new follow-up XG. > That would ease any possible future transition towards a WG (since > sponsorship by companies is mandatory for WG). The deep reason is also > because I think we have a unique opportunity with the WWW'07 conference in > May (where I will present a lightening talk about the XG to all W3C members) > and the Photo Metadata Conference(http://www.phmdc.org/, 7th of June), where > I'm invited also. This is a great opportunity to get more industrial > sponsors and involved them in the chartering process so they give also fresh > ideas about what are the current problems that need to be solved (see > above). > > 3/ Start/End date: > I think we have lost 4 months last year because of a bad timing. We were > surprised that the XG was accepted so fast, and we did nothing in May > (because of the WWW'06 conference), just one telecon in June, a non-official > F2F meeting in early July, then the summer break, and we have really started > to work in September. So to avoid the same mistakes, I feel we should shift > the start date in September. That allows also to have possible industrial > sponsors in the charter! > Therefore, my proposal would be to close the current affairs of this XG in > the next 2 weeks, talk with the companies in Banff and in the Photo Metadata > Conference, listen the recommendations from the XG project review meeting > (14th of June) ... before submitting a new charter mid-june, with the aim of > starting this follow-up XG early in September. > > 4/ Usual Meeting Schedule: > As I pointed out to Giovanni, the scheduling of telecon and f2f has to be > decided in the charter, but there is no fixed template forced by W3C. I also > think that F2F are *very* important. I would like to have one F2F meeting at > the very beginning of the XG, so in September according to my scheduling. > Possible other F2F meetings could be colocated with ISWC'07 (November), > SAMT'07 (December), WWW'08 (May), ESWC'08 (June), etc. > I like the idea of having (phone) telecon every two weeks. This is the only > way to keep the group active. The telecon might last more than one hour in > certain case. The group could also be divided into task forces, that could > have their own telecon on very specific subjects, even if it is not on a > regular basis. W3C is very flexible for that. > I would put emphasis on the "good standing" of telecon and follow-up of > action points. I would propose to use the Tracker system in W3C to > automatically follow up the action points and make emphasis that > participants are expected to be in a good standing. > > 5/ Chairs: > My personal view is that the follow-up XG should be co-chaired by an > industrial and an academic persons. These persons do not necessarily have to > come from a sponsoring member. > > 6/ Workshop discussion: > The workshop idea is good, but I do not see what exactly we could discuss > here. I feel the charter should mention with caution that the group will > possibility organize a workshop, 4 months before the end of the XG, in order > to move to a WG track. This workshop organisation SHOULD NOT be a > deliverable (mandatory), otherwise we take the risk that a member that will > not agree with this particular point, or do not want to commit to such a > thing will not participate to the group (I remind that all participants have > to agree on the charter!). Therefore, I would choose the phrasing with a lot > of precaution and not make strong commitment here. > > Finally, we could also perhaps discuss about the name that this follow-up XG > could have. My vote would be the same name "Multimedia Semantics". Anyone > has better suggestion? > > Best regards. > > Raphaël > > -- > Raphaël Troncy > CWI (Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science), > Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands > e-mail: raphael.troncy@cwi.nl & raphael.troncy@gmail.com > Tel: +31 (0)20 - 592 4093 > Fax: +31 (0)20 - 592 4312 > Web: http://www.cwi.nl/~troncy/ > > > >
Received on Thursday, 26 April 2007 14:03:16 UTC