Re: [MMSEM-UC] Music Use Case status

Dear all,

Raphaël Troncy wrote:
> Dear Giovanni,
>> [...]
>> I have a master student at Universita Politecnica delle Marche working
>> on this now. There are works at deri involved with semantic music
>> podcasts, obviously Oscar work would get into it. For this XG we just
>> care about the semantic interoperability so that will come for the
>> next one : ACTION Giovanni to complete the descriptio nand the
>> solution of the Semantic Playlist generation
> What is the status of this action? We will have our last telecon this
Good question... Giovanni any news? :-)
> Thursday 26th of April.
BTW, I hope that for the 26th, April, the Use Case is completely written 
in the Wiki. I'm sorry for the delay.



Received on Thursday, 19 April 2007 15:46:49 UTC