[MMSEM-UC] Comments on the Algorithm representation Use case

Dear all,

Here are some comments on the Algorithm representation Use case.
Sorry for the delay.

General comments: This is a very interesting use case. It would be
more useful if the interoperability aspect can be highlighted
(e.g. in a separate section). Some clarifications on what can be
done with existing technologies and what need more research would
also be very helpful.

Detailed comments:

1) Section 1:

- The problem presented in this section is that algorithms for
image analysis are difficult to manage, understand and apply,
particularly for non-expert users, rather than the
interoperability problem.

- The example presented in the section illustrated the point that
non-experts find it hard to select proper algorithms to use.

2) Section 2:

- The solution provided in this section is to use an algorithm
ontology as a foundation to provide recommendations to
non-experts. This is a solution for the problem presented in
Section 1, rather than the interoperability problem.

- The discussions of the advantages of the solution seem to be
incomplete and not (obviously) supported by the example presented in 
Section 5.

3) Section 3:

- The existing challenges are nicely presented.

- The descriptions of state of the art seem to be incomplete. It
would be more helpful, if we can further describe what
functionalities can/cannot be provided based on existing

4) Section 5:

- Two kinds of the interoperability problems are only briefly
mentioned in this example section. More detailed descriptions
would be desirable.

- Still, it is a bit unclear what can be done and what need more
research, from this example.

Best regards,


Dr. Jeff Z. Pan (http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~jpan/)
Department of Computing Science, The University of Aberdeen

Received on Monday, 9 April 2007 17:31:33 UTC