Re: Finding News Taxonomies [was: RE: Towards a TAG consideration of CURIEs]

Misha Wolf scripsit:

> This:
> is not legal, as "123456" is an illegal fragment identifier.

Not exactly.  We can decompose this into three claims, two false
and one true.

1) "123456" is an invalid fragment: false.  If you look at the
syntax rules in RFC 3986, you see that every character in a fragment
can be a digit.

2) "123456" can't be the value of an XML attribute of type ID: false.
An XML document may contain attributes of type ID in one of two
ways: every attribute with the name "xml:id" is of type ID, and so
is any attribute declared in the DTD (internal or external) to have
type ID.  Such attributes may contain any value, and the document is

3) "123456" can't be the value of an attribute of type ID in a
*valid* XML document: true.  However, plenty of documents are not
valid: in particular, any document without a DTD is not valid, and
there is nothing wrong with having a DTD without expecting or requiring

John Cowan
        "Not to know The Smiths is not to know K.X.U."  --K.X.U.

Received on Saturday, 7 April 2007 16:23:36 UTC