Re: [Re: Re: [MMSEM] RDF and syntactic interoperability]]

Michael wrote:

> My naïve approach would be to apply the RDFS entailment rules from [1].
> There, the entailment rule rdfs3 states that if an RDF graph contains
> aaa rdfs:range xxx .
> uuu aaa vvv .
> one has to add
> vvv rdf:type xxx .
> to the graph.
> In your example, where
> aaa :=
> xxx := someXMLns:anXMLType
> uuu :=
> vvv := 'XXXX'
> according to rdfs3,
> 'XXXX' rdf:type someXMLns:anXMLType .
> should be added to the graph.
> But I guess this is not the end of the story, when looking at [2] ;)

Note that 'XXXX' is a plain literal, which is a string. Therefore,
anXMLType is xsd:string or one of its "proper" sub/super-datatypes, this
is fine. Otherwise, there is a datatype clash.

In general, it is recommented to use typed literals, i.e. "XXXX"^^anXMLType.


Received on Monday, 2 April 2007 21:15:38 UTC