RE: [Re: Re: [MMSEM] RDF and syntactic interoperability]]


My naïve approach would be to apply the RDFS entailment rules from [1].
There, the entailment rule rdfs3 states that if an RDF graph contains

 aaa rdfs:range xxx .
 uuu aaa vvv . 

one has to add 

 vvv rdf:type xxx . 

to the graph. 

In your example, where

 aaa :=
 xxx := someXMLns:anXMLType
 uuu :=
 vvv := 'XXXX'

according to rdfs3,

 'XXXX' rdf:type someXMLns:anXMLType .

should be added to the graph.

But I guess this is not the end of the story, when looking at [2] ;)



 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Danny Ayers [] 
>Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2007 11:43 PM
>To: Hausenblas, Michael
>Cc: Gaëtan Martens;
>Subject: Re: [Re: Re: [MMSEM] RDF and syntactic interoperability]]
>On 31/03/07, Hausenblas, Michael 
><> wrote:
>> Gaëtan,
>> Actually OWL builds upon RDF(S) and XMLS datatyping, though there are
>> some cases that cause troubles. However, IMHO the main 
>difference is that
>> in OWL-DL - which is of practical interest - datatypes and 
>> are disjoint.
>Thanks Gaëtan, Michael. I'm afraid I'm still not 100% clear on 
>one point.
><owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:about=">
>      <rdfs:range  rdf:resource="someXMLns:anXMLType">
><a:b rdf:about="">
>   <dprop>XXXX</dprop>
>Can we actually infer from these statements that  XXXX has datatype
>Or would we still have to explicitly say:
><dprop rdf:datatype="someXMLns:anXMLType">XXXX</dprop>

Received on Monday, 2 April 2007 07:50:25 UTC