Re: [MMSEM] CANCELLED: TODAYs Telecon (28 September 2006)

Sorry for the late notice, but I hereby cancel today's teleconf (I think 
I can do that as the chair of today's meeting :-).

Vassilis, you would lead the discussion on the use cases.  Do we have 
sufficient input to have a teleconf on Monday?

If yes, please reserve a slot on Zakim, preferably on the same time.
If not, I propose we just skip this teleconf.

I prefer the first option,


VassilisTzouvaras wrote:
> Raphael,
> It is better to try for Monday than making a meeting with four people or not
> making it at all. We have done this in the past and it worked.
> Vassilis

Received on Thursday, 28 September 2006 15:46:13 UTC