Comments on "Image Annotation Semantic Web" examples + N3 conversions

Dear all,

Please find here some more comments on the examples of the "Image
Annotation on the Semantic Web" document.

1)  5_2
  <!ENTITY painting
should be
  <!ENTITY painting1

2) 5_2
  <vra:Image rdf:about="&image1a;">
should be
  <vra:Image rdf:about="&image1;">

3) 5_2
  <vra:Image rdf:about="&image1b;">
should be
  <vra:Image rdf:about="&image2;">

4) 5_2

should be


5)  5_4

two namespaces are missing


6)  5_4
      <svg xml:space="preserve" width="451" heigth="640" viewBox="0 0
451 640">

should be

      <svg:svg xml:space="preserve" width="451" heigth="640" viewBox="0
0 451 640">

7) examples 5_1 and 5_2 have to be checked:
   some parsing problems remain.

>    Image annotations deliverable: Raphael is editing, but didn't check
>    in yet
>    XML exampes still need to be converted to N3 and the graphs need to
>    be redone
>    <mhausenb> volunteer to convert ...

Please also check the following N3 conversions,
because i'm not very skilled with the N3 notation !


@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix ex: <> .
@prefix : <> .

  dc:creator   'Jeff Z. Pan';
  dc:title     'An image of the Elephant Ganesh'.


@prefix : <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcmi: <> .
@prefix event: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix lsc: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix vra: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

    dc:creator  [
             a foaf:Person;
             foaf:familyname "Stabenaou";
             foaf:firstname "Arne" ];
             dc:date "2002-12-40";
             dc:description "Photo of Katerina Tzouvara during Vacations
in Thailand";
         dc:format "JPEG";
         dc:type dcmi:Image;
         :located_in_City  [
             a :City;
             :belongs_to_Country  [
                 a :Country ];
             foaf:name "Phi Phi" ];
         :located_in_Continent  [
             a :Continent ];
         :located_in_Country  [
             a :Country ];

<vra:measurements.resolution> "300 x 225px";
         foaf:depicts  [
             a lsc:Beach ],
             a lsc:Palm_Tree ],
             a foaf:Person;
             foaf:familyname "Tzouvara";
             foaf:firstname "Katerina" ], event:Vacations, lsc:Sand .


@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix dcterms: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <>
@prefix case1: <>
@prefix : <>

      dc:contributor  		"Della Mea, Vincenzo";
      dc:creator  		"Beltrami, Carlo Alberto";
      dc:date  			"2006-05-30";
      dc:description  		"Female, 86 yrs. Some clinical history. This
field might be further structured.";
      dc:identifier  		"";
      dc:language  		"EN";
      dc:relation.hasPart   	:image1.jpg, image2.jpg;
      dc:subject  [
             a dcterms:MESH;
             rdf:value "A10.549.400";
             rdfs:label "lymph nodes" ],
             a dcterms:MESH;
             rdf:value "C04.697.650.560";
             :label "lymphatic metastasis" ],
             a dcterms:MESH;
             rdf:value "C04.557.470.200.025.200";
             rdfs:label "carcinoid tumor" ];
      dc:title  			"Sample annotated image" .


@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix tva: <urn:tva:metadata:2002> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix : <#>

<program1> a <urn:tva:metadata:2002Program>;
         <urn:tva:metadata:2002ReleaseInformation>  [
             <urn:tva:metadata:2002ReleaseDate>  [
                 xsd:date "2002-03-17" ];
             <urn:tva:metadata:2002ReleaseLocation> "fr" ];
         <urn:tva:metadata:2002hasSynopsis> "Weekly Sports Magazine
broadcasted every Sunday";
         <urn:tva:metadata:2002hasTitle> "Stade 2" .


@prefix SMALL: <> .
@prefix example: <> .
@prefix System-ont:
<> .
@prefix www.w3: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix ns: <> .
@prefix technical: <> .
@prefix ShuttleMission-ont:
<> .
@prefix digital-media: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix NASA-Use-Case: <> .
@prefix : <> .

<example:A0>	    			rdfs:type     				technical:ImagePart;
								rdfs:label     				"region2407";
      							digital-media:svgOutline    :Anonymous1;
       							digital-media:regionOf     	SMALL:GPN-2000-001171.jpg;
        						digital-media:depicts     	NASA-Use-Case:Saturn_1B .

<SMALL:GPN-2000-001171.jpg>     rdfs:type      				technical:Image;
							    digital-media:hasRegion 	Anonymous2;
								digital-media:depicts 		NASA-Use-Case:Apollo_7_Launch;
								dc:description  			"Taken at Kennedy Space Center in Florida";
								dc:creator  				"NASA";
								ns:imageWidth  				"451";
								dc:date  					"10/11/1968";
								ns:imageLength  			"640";
<NASA-Use-Case:Apollo_7_Launch> :rdfs:type     					
    							rdfs:label    						"Apollo 7 Launch";
							    ShuttleMission-ont:has_shuttle     	:Saturn_1B;
							    digital-media:depiction     		 :GPN-2000-001171.jpg;
								ShuttleMission-ont:codeName  		"Apollo 7 Launch";
								ShuttleMission-ont:launchDate  		"10/11/1968" .

<NASA-Use-Case:Saturn_1B>   	rdfs:type 				    System-ont:ShuttleName;
 								rdfs:label     				"Saturn_1B";
      							rdfs:label     				"Saturn 1B";
							    digital-media:depiction     :Anonymous2;
							    digital-media:depiction  	:Anonymous3.
<:Anonymous1>					rdfs:type					svg:svg;
								:heigth  					"640";
								:width  					"451";
								:viewBox  					"0 0 451 640";
								:image  					"";
								:rect  						"";

<:Anonymous2> .
<:Anonymous3> .

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 27 November 2006 16:05:22 UTC