Ravi Ganesan
Ben Wilson
Jeff Shan
Siddharth Bajaj
- Ravi described the use cases that he had sent out on the mailing list
+ Paypal example
+ Cross domain XHR
+ OAuth
+ 2-legged Mash SSL
- We deferred the discussion of the Open Geospatial use cases to next
call when Raj or George are on the call. Ditto to the kerberos use case
Thomas was not on the call.
- Siddharth suggested that while it is great to discuss the use cases,
we should try and abstract the use cases and include the abstract use
cases in the document/report
- Ravi walked through the MashSSL document and protocol after our
discussion of the use cases.
- Ben had a question about the 'client' in the MashSSL interaction. He
suggests adding a clarification that it is the server that initiates the
interaction in the document.
- Ravi pointed out that they added the AuthType in Appendix A,
essentially to enable the kerberos use case.
- Ben and Jeff indicated that they may have conflicts for the call on
Jan 28th.
- Next conference call will be Jan 28th, 1pm PT/4pm ET, Main agenda
items will be
+ Complete the discussion around the use cases - Kerberos and OGS
+ Discuss how we can abstract the use cases
+ Start discussing the outline for the group report.
Please let me know if there are any additions/modifications to the