Updated XG Report Outline with assignments


- Introduction (Siddharth)  

     + Motivation


- Use Cases/Scenarios (Siddharth)

     + 3-party generic scenario

     + 2-party generic scenario

     + Real-world use cases

            - map the generic scenario to a couple of real world use


- Solution Overview (Ravi)


- Detailed protocol specification (Ravi)

      + Client  Hello

      + Server Hello

      + Client Key Exchange

      + Server Finished


- Abbreviated Handshake/optimizations (Ravi)


- Extension points (maybe this is part of the protocol spec above).


- Leveraging Existing Trust Framework (Ben)

      + Discussion on different forms of certificates


- Leveraging MashSSL for other protocols (need to discuss)

      + OpenID

      + OAUTH

      + Encryption 


- Implementation Considerations


- Security Considerations


- Acknowledgements (Ben)


- Author/Editor information


- IPR statement (Ben)


- Appendix 

       + Definition of terms (Ben)

       + References (Ben)



Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 01:42:54 UTC