Re: review of Vocabularies and Datasets Section

Quoting Ed Summers <>:

> Is it the case that something like VIAF is both a value vocabulary and
> a dataset? Is it worth adding a sentence about how the categories are
> not mutually exclusive? Or perhaps we should not talk about Datasets
> at all? Also, did we decide not to ground our definition in terms of
> TBOX and ABOX?

I have read the wikipedia articles on abox and tbox numerous times  
(and just did so again) and it is definitely not a language that I  
speak. For info, here's the meat of the definition:

"TBox statements describe a system in terms of controlled  
vocabularies, for example, a set of classes and properties. ABox are  
TBox-compliant statements about that vocabulary.

TBox statements are sometimes associated with object-oriented classes  
and ABox statements associated with instances of those classes."

For me, this might as well say:

"Abox iiu mnmuit 77kdnsl. Tbox ieywoho ju kiiik Abox."

I'm like the dog in that Gary Larson cartoon [1] who hears only "Blah  
Blah Ginger Blah Blah Blah." Unless my experience is unique, it may be  
best to avoid these definitions for the sake of communication with our  

[1]  (I have the coffee  

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Friday, 27 May 2011 19:01:50 UTC