Re: [UC side deliverable] Status

Thanks Emmanuelle, I will consider a name and description for this section
and edit the wiki page accordingly.

I have just finished the writing of the individual uc short summaries:

Therefore, only things left are:

1) Short paragraphs describing extracted UC for Social and new uses

Jodi agreed to send them to me soon, I could also do it myself if authors
are too busy with other sections.

2) Short descriptions for extracted UC Collections cluster:

Which I will write on monday, hopefully with the feedback from cluster

So, I would say that the report is ready for further reviews.

Again any help or comments would be more than wellcome, I would really like
to hear some feedback on this so I can improve the work.

Cheers and a very nice weekend,


2011/6/24 Emmanuelle Bermes <>

> >
> > Aslo, there is still an open question from Jodi regarding the naming of
> > Extracted Use cases section:
> > "- Consider renaming "Extracted Use Cases" -- this seems, to me, like a
> > summary of the clusters
> > I would like to get the opinion from the members of the list on this. I
> am
> > not sure what was the rationale behind this name but it is consistent
> > accross every cluster page. Do the people like this label or have any
> other
> > idea regarding naming?"
> > Any opinions on this? I think that something stating that they are
> > generalized scenarios or high-level uses would be a good label.
> >
> Good point, Daniel. When we called them "extracted use cases", the
> idea was to extract generalized or high-level scenarios from the more
> specific use cases that we had gathered in the clusters. So, any of
> those names would be good, indeed.
> Emmanuelle

Received on Friday, 24 June 2011 13:04:40 UTC