Re: Seeking volunteers for Executive Summary

I'm willing to work on it (but not ALONE!) assuming that there won't  
be huge changes to the other two sections I've been involved with  
(issues and recommendations).

Note that I've sent a second plea to a few key lists asking people to  
PLEASE comment on the draft. I've also contacted a few people  
personally. I think we need to make a push at this point for "final  
comments." Enough time has passed since our original email that the  
thought will have drifted into the past for busy folks.


Quoting Antoine Isaac <>:

> Dear all,
> The executive summary for the main report is still empty. With the  
> end of our group approaching, we really need something to be done  
> here!
> Is there any volunteer?
> If we get a small team of 2-3 people, it's alright. But this should  
> not be a huge amount of work.
> At
> I've linked to presentations that could be used as a source of inspiration.
> We also have the email that Jodi forwarded yesterday:
> The first item is not that bad, I'd say :-)
> Thanks for your help,
> Antoine

Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Tuesday, 19 July 2011 20:09:00 UTC