
Dear all,

As mentioned in today's call, we have been doubting whether two cases should be assigned to the Vocabulary alignment cluster [1]:
- Component Vocabularies  [1]
- Subject Search [2]

These cases do not mention alignment openly. In fact they don't feature multiple vocabularies that should be aligned or merged.

So we would gladly welcome two kinds of assistance here:

1. case owners (Jeff and Ray) or curators (Gordon) to make a bit more explicit the "alignment" dimension of the cases, if they can, or to identify another cluster from [4] where they'd fit better, if they agree with us that the current clustering is not optimal;

2. other cluster's curators to "adopt" these two cases, if they think they would fit well their own cluster. Note that we already started the job by identifying the general goal of the cases [5] and noting down the associated vocabularies--and these cases are indeed very interesting ones!

Thanks a lot for your help,

Marcia, Michael, Antoine


Received on Thursday, 13 January 2011 21:07:53 UTC