Re: Use case notes page

On 1/6/11 2:47 PM, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2010 at 11:12 AM, Antoine Isaac<>  wrote:
>>> [NEW] ACTION: Uldis and Jodi to create social uses cluster [recorded
>> As a matter of fact I've tried myself to find if there was stuff about
>> libraries and books in the Social Web XG report [1]. But apart from one
>> quick mention to a scenario for sharing book reviews, I did not find
>> anything.
>> [1]
> That is also my impression from the Social Web XG report [1]. It
> describes topics which may be relevant for some library data use cases
> (authentication, data sharing and federation, user activity streams,
> privacy, provenance) but does not contain library-related use cases as
> such.
> There is a bit more information re books in the SW XG wiki:
> User Stories - ReUse Your Data [2]: "Alice would like a single site
> that she controls to be the centre of all his social information.
> Currently she does it by maintaining feeds, but some of her sites
> don't support feeds. However, some of the data she would like on her
> site, such as her favorite books and interests, she would also like to
> retrieve from various social networking sites."
> Perhaps other participants of the SW XG can recall more about
> library-related topics being discussed.
> Things discussed in [1] that can be useful for library linked data use cases:
>   - mobile social web: many people are using mobile devices to access
> the web, social networks, etc. how does that influence our use cases?
>   - activity streams: user activity sharing and aggregation may play a
> role in social cluster use cases.

Yes, we should try to spot this--an easy win for me, as the cluster I'm involved in does not have such a thing at all :-)


Received on Friday, 7 January 2011 18:13:16 UTC