Doodle poll: "Special LLD XG telecon for members in Asia-Pacific time zone"

Dear all,

I have set up a Doodle poll at
for the following time slot:

    Washington            0000
    Amsterdam/Paris       0600
    Kuala Lumpur          1300
    Tokyo                 1400

on 7-10 or 14-17 March.

The purpose of the call will be to focus on the issues of
concern to members of the XG who live in time zones that
preclude their participation in regular telecons.

I am open as to the agenda of the call.  By default, those of
us from the regular telecon group who could make the call --
people on the US West coast, people like me on the East coast
who are willing to stay up past midnight, and Europeans who
don't mind getting up a bit earlier than usual -- can fill
you in on how we are handling the report-writing phase and
how you might provide your input.

On the other hand, we are very keen to hear your perspective
on what has worked, or not, in Linked Data projects in your
own country, and what aspects of the planned report would be
most helpful in your context.

Because of the language factor in communicating in English
by phone without the benefit of face-to-face interaction,
I would like to ask for an experienced scribe to volunteer
for this important call -- someone who can capture in detail
what is being said so that we can all read along, especially
if the phone lines are acoustically less than perfect.


Tom Baker <>

Received on Friday, 18 February 2011 17:32:36 UTC