Introduction: Kevin Ford

Last week during the teleconference, when unexpectedly called upon to introduce myself, I very quickly lost the battle with zakim and unmuting my phone.

My name is Kevin Ford; I'm from the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at the Library of Congress.  I work with Ray Denenberg, who is also part of this group.

Among other duties, I've taken over the development reigns, from Clay Redding, of the Library's ID.LOC.GOV Linked Data service [1], which Ed Summers was instrumental in first developing.  I do much of the updating, modifications, and data wrangling for new vocabularies.  As Ray has previously mentioned, our office has been exploring how to realize MADS XML, the Metadata Authority Description Schema published by the LC [2], in RDF.  It is our aim to be able to represent library-specific authority data with sufficient granularity to support other linked library data efforts.

I anticipate, as a participant in this group's work, that our understanding of how libraries will use linked data, complete with requirements and expectations, will directly benefit our thinking and work on these matters, within this group and beyond.  I'm delighted to be here.



Received on Thursday, 30 September 2010 17:55:21 UTC