(Library) Linked Data definition?

Dear All,

I was looking over the Use Cases and I couldn't readily see how a few of them might be considered (Library) Linked Data use cases.  I began wondering if it was because the Use Case was unclear or if it was because I had a different (or also unclear) notion of Linked Data.  For example, did the use case clearly articulate who the users would be and how the those users would interact with a given system?  If those conditions were met, the reviewer would be able to evaluate how conducive the Use Case was to the Linked Data model and, therefore, what needed to be developed (ontology, communications protocol) to realize the Use Case (if not already realized).  

But, whether the Use Case was clear or not, I noted that there does not seem to be a working definition of 'Linked Data' that one could use, to determine on a case-by-case basis whether a given use case is indeed a Linked Data Use Case.  I came to this group late, but I was unable to locate any formal definition on the Wiki (I did find Linked Data resources and terminology, and Library standards and linked data, etc).

Is there such a working definition, and if not, wouldn't it be essential to develop a definition, as painful as that process may be?  This might help in evaluating the Use Cases.


Received on Thursday, 21 October 2010 20:09:50 UTC