Re: New use cases still discussed in Pittsburgh?

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 11:28:54AM +0200, Mark van Assem wrote:
> Can we still add use cases to the program and discuss them in Pittsburgh?

Yes, absolutely!  Adding them by Thursday would be ideal,
but Friday is okay too.  Contributions submitted after Friday
will also be gratefully received but we may have trouble
working them into the F2F discussion in Pittsburgh.

> Maurice  is involed with 350 people in several places and projects 
> working on enriched publications in the Netherlands. He was asking if I 
> could write down what the XG is and what we can do for them. He could 
> then forward this message to the 350 people so we can be properly linked 
> up with this community. Some tips as what to what newbie-Mark should 
> (not) write down in the message to Maurice and colleagues are 
> appreciated. Or is there something I can reuse? The group is diverse, 
> from librarians to technicians and user interface experts.
> I was thinking along the lines that the XG can help out in RDF and LOD 
> related questions, useful schemas, patterns etc. and encourage them to 
> read/post to the public mailing list.

As a capsule overview, you could point them to [1].

The elevator pitch is that LLD XG is chartered for one year
(i.e., through May 2011) to produce "a state of the art report
on the adoption of Linked data principles and perspective in
the library domain and related sectors, leading to a clear and
agreed view regarding what further standards and guidelines
should be developed, and what organization should be set up
in order to develop them".

In other words, the XG is not set up to answer questions or
offer advice, but to analyze requirements, survey the state
of developments in this area, and identify follow-on actions
to be planned.



Tom Baker <>

Received on Monday, 11 October 2010 15:16:47 UTC