Proposal for telecon this Thursday - attn: Jeff and Alex...

Dear all,

For Thursday's call, Michael, Alex, Jodi, Peter, Jeff, Asaf,
Gordon, and Karen are available; have I missed anyone?

That's a small group, but I'd like to propose that we have a
small call focused on the Use Case cluster "Authority Data",
as curators Jeff and Alex can be on the call.

Possibly, we could also discuss "Bibliographic data", with
Gordon on the call, if Martin were to confirm.

If we do have a small call, we could simply declare all other
pending actions as "continuing" to save time.

If Jeff and Alex (and possibly Gordon and Martin) agree,
the rest of us on the call should commit to reviewing the
relevant use cases beforehand.  It would be nice if we could
make progress if only on one topic, and if we manage to discuss
everything that needs discussing, we could simply finish early.


Tom Baker <>

Received on Monday, 8 November 2010 13:44:08 UTC