
I, Karen Coyle, am a librarian with a library degree from the UC  
Berkeley School of Information Science (no longer in existence) in  
1972. I lived in Turin, Italy from 1974-1978 and did some VERY early  
serials union catalog work while there. I also worked for a Unesco  
agency as a Documentalist and for FIAT as a programmer, using  
languages that are also no longer in existence.

In 1979 I joined the Division of Library Automation at the University  
of California and worked on one of the first online union catalogs,  
MELVYL, mainly in the area of data interpretation and design. I  
continued working for UC until 2004. During that time I sat on the  
MARC standards group, MARBI, for a number of terms, represented the  
American Library Association in the development of ebook standards at  
the Open EBook Forum (now the IDPF), and was on NISO Committee AX that  
developed the OpenURL 1.0 standard, among other activities.

Since 2004 I have been an independent consultant, primarily for  
libraries but also for other information organizations. I'm currently  
associated with a number of library data efforts, including the OKFN  
working group on open bibliographic data[1], the Open Library[2], and  
the DC-RDA task group[3].

For writings and presentations, see For current  
topics, my blog is



Karen Coyle
ph: 1-510-540-7596
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet

Received on Wednesday, 16 June 2010 17:01:29 UTC