Agenda - W3C Library Linked Data XG first telecon - Thursday 3 June - 10:00 Boston

NOTE: Attendance is restricted to registered XG participants and persons 
      invited by chairs.  Note that we will not be able to accept all 
      applications for Invited Experts.  If in doubt about whether to attend
      this call, please send email to the chairs.

Agenda - Jun 03 2010 - LLD XG telecon - 1400 UTC
       Time:    0700 Seattle / 1000 New York / 1500 London / 1600 Paris / 2200 Kuala Lumpur / 2300 Tokyo / 2400 Sydney
       Dial-in: Boston: +1-617-761-6200, Nice: +33-4-8906-3499, Bristol: +44-117-370-6152
       Code:    55394# ("LLDXG")
       IRC:     irc:// (member-only)
       (Web client)
                Attendance is restricted to registered XG participants and persons invited by chairs.

       LLD XG home page:
       Mailing list: (
       Wiki (XG only):
       Wiki (public):
       Chairs:           Emmanuelle Bermes, Antoine Isaac, Tom Baker

Chair:  Antoine and Tom
Scribe: MichaelH
-- instructions at
-- rotation list at

Regrets: Herbert


-- Welcome and introductions

-- Scribing duties

-- Mailing lists  ( - future?

-- Wikis - LLD XG only - general community

-- Participants to date

2. Charter, scope, goals and deliverables

-- "Linked Data" as scope
   Linked Open Data vs Linked Enterprise Data
      1.  Use URIs as names for things
      2.  Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names.
      3.  When someone looks up a URI, provide useful information using standards (RDF, SPARQL)
      4.  Include links to other URIs. so that they can discover more things.

-- Charter

   2. Scope

   Activities include:

   * Gathering use cases and case studies demonstrating
     successful implementation of Semantic Web technologies in
     libraries and related sectors
   * Fostering collaboration among actors (libraries, museums, archives, 
     publishers) interested in porting cultural assets to the Linked Data Web
   * Identifying relevant data models, vocabularies and ontologies and ways 
     to build or improve interoperability among them
   * Identifying the need for the elaboration of new standards, guidelines & 
     best practices
   * Identifying the areas of (Semantic) Web technology that could benefit from 
     the expertise of the communities represented in the Group
   * Proposing a relevant scope and organization for work that follows on the 
     initial effort carried by the Group.

   2.1. Success Criteria
      The Library Linked Data Incubator Group will be considered
      successful if it can elaborate a state of the art report
      on the adoption of Linked data principles and perspective
      in the library domain and related sectors, leading to a
      clear and agreed view regarding what further standards
      and guidelines should be developed, and what organization
      should be set up in order to develop them.

   2.2. Out of Scope
      The development or assessment of particular ontologies
      or vocabularies is outside the scope of this group. The
      group may identify relevant vocabularies and ontologies,
      but not intervene in their evolution or creation.

   3. Deliverables

      As a W3C Incubator group, our primary responsibility is
      to produce a final report presenting the landscape of
      Linked data development in the library domain and related
      sectors, and propose a way forward for these communities
      to participate productively in further W3C standardization

      Also, a number of other deliverables may be produced
      by the Incubator Group, although this work may also be
      subsumed into the final report, including :

      1. A use-case document that describes a number of
         real-world use cases, case studies, outreach and
         dissemination initiatives targeted to the library
         community and related sectors

      2. A document that describes relevant technology
         pieces, including vocabularies and ontologies (e.g.,
         SKOS), with the intended goal to identify extension or
         interoperability requirements, and help determine what
         other standards may be needed.

-- Topics

   Potential XG topics
   * Converting / publishing legacy vocabularies as Linked Data
   ** Inventory of vocabularies published.  Emerging consensus about which to use?
   ** Status of library-related vocabularies in development, e.g., RDA, FRAD and FRBR
   ** Conversion issues, e.g., URIs, content negotiation, RDF compatibility
   ** Using SKOS to describe library indexation languages (LCSH, RAMEAU).
   ** SKOS extensions needed?
   * Vocabulary management, hosting, and preservation
   ** What role for libraries?
   * Semantic Web data preservation 
   ** Includes vocabulary preservation
   * Publishing or managing library data as Linked Data
   ** Available pools of linked data (inventory): quality, granularity, link integrity, vocabulary usage
   ** Issues of Web architecture, e.g., persistent URI design best practices, HTTP
   ** Types of library data other than bibliographic and authority, e.g., circulation
   ** Dissemination mechanisms: RDF schemas, RDFa, bulk download, feeds, SPARQL...
   ** Licenses, IP, DRM
   ** Versioning, updates
   * Use of Identifiers
   ** HTTP URIs, DOIs, handles, hash, slash, 303 redirects, PURLs
   ** Reuse or urlification of traditional identifiers
   ** Identifiers for properties and classes, concepts, and "real world things"
   ** Namespace policies
   * Describing library authorities as Linked Data
   ** Persons, families, corporate bodies, works
   ** Dilemma between skos:concept and foaf:person for person authorities
   ** FRBR group 1 entities
   ** Applying FRBR, FRAD, RDA
   * Alignment (cross-linking) of vocabularies 
   ** Interoperability, "mapping frameworks", etc
   ** Alignment of element sets
   ** Alignment of authorities
   ** Alignment of real-world-resource identifiers
   * Linking across datasets
   ** How much linking is there?  What links to what?
   * Next steps
   ** Future working groups?  In W3C, in library world, or elsewhere?

3. June telecons
   Jun 10: 
   Jun 17: 
   Jun 24: Library Linked Data meeting at Library of Congress
4. Summer telecon schedule - indicate your availability

Tom Baker <>

Received on Wednesday, 2 June 2010 20:19:33 UTC