FW: Talis: Libraries in a Linked Data World

Got this note about Sarah Bartlett's presentation and would like to share with the group.
First of all, Karen's LLD talk at the ALA annual was mentioned, as an inspiration, I think. :-)
Secondly, I found the approach of using FRBR + intertextual relationships between literary works was very creative.  (Intertexual is one of the 5 in Gerard Genette's typology ( Gerard Genette: Palimpsestes: La littérature au second degré, 1982)).

A little bit exploration on the Web led me to this English interpretation ( Götz Bachmann, Metadata Project, Goldsmiths College, 4.8.08 Series: Nico Nico Douga Texts1, Nr 11):
"Genette distinguishes five basic forms of transtextuality:
(1.) "Intertextuality" is the presence of one text in another one - a quote
would be the most obvious example.
(2.) "Paratexts" are all texts that frame the main body of texts, e.g. titles, introductions, cover blurbs or
(3.) "Metatextuality" is given, when one text talks about another one, such as in reviews or literary analysis.
(4.) "Hypertextuality" is based on the transformation of one text into another one - the relationship of James Joyce's Ulysses and Homer's
Odyssey is a famous example. Finally,
(5.) "Architextuality " is Genette's term for genre - e.g. the fact, that a text is a romantic poem."[1]


[1] http://www.gold.ac.uk/media/Metadata11_genette.pdf

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From: Jon Voss <jon@lookbackmaps.net>
Reply-To: <lod-lam@googlegroups.com>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 2010 15:12:00 -0500
To: <lod-lam@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [LOD-LAM] Talis: Libraries in a Linked Data World

This came out a week ago, so may be old news to many of you.  Hat tip to Jerry Persons for flagging this presentation by Sarah Bartlett of Talis.

Using specific literary theory as an ontology, she examines Linked Data modeling of Jane Eyre at about minute 6:30, getting into the actual modeling by 7:30.  It's amazing how helpful graph visualizations are in explaining the benefits and potential of Linked Data!



Jon Voss
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