Re: Chrome beta

On 03/23/2011 06:57 PM, Robert Brown wrote:
> This is getting a lot of press today (engadget, techcrunch, etc)
> It includes the line: “Fresh from the work that we’ve been doing with
> the HTML Speech Incubator Group, we’ve added support for the HTML5
> speech input API”
> Unfortunately, the implication here (probably unintended) is that this
> API a product of the XG, which it isn’t. And the press is interpreting
> it as the “HTML5 Speech API”, which it isn’t.
> Satish, would you mind posting a clarification to the Chrome blog,
> stating something along the lines of “this is a prototype of Google’s
> proposal to the HTML Speech Incubator Group”?

Yes, that would be good. Also, saying that the API
has something to do with HTML5 is quite misleading.


Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2011 17:05:03 UTC