- From: Michael Bodell <mbodell@microsoft.com>
- Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 04:55:21 +0000
- To: "Raj (Openstream) (raj@openstream.com)" <raj@openstream.com>, "dd5826@att.com" <dd5826@att.com>, "Deborah Dahl (dahl@conversational-technologies.com)" <dahl@conversational-technologies.com>, "Charles Hemphill <charles@everspeech.com> (charles@everspeech.com)" <charles@everspeech.com>, Michael Bodell <mbodell@microsoft.com>, "Dan Burnett (dburnett@voxeo.com)" <dburnett@voxeo.com>, "Bjorn Bringert (bringert@google.com)" <bringert@google.com>, "Olli.Pettay@gmail.com" <Olli.Pettay@gmail.com>
- CC: "public-xg-htmlspeech@w3.org" <public-xg-htmlspeech@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <22CD592CCD76414085591204EB19F4E81D8C9A92@TK5EX14MBXC261.redmond.corp.microsoft.>
So our progress call on Speech API is next Thursday (on June 30th, a week today). On that call I'd like to start by discussing the API relevant design decisions and requirements and move from there to the first drafts of API sections (IDL *and* text). I'd outlined the general work, and asked for volunteers, in the email at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0043.html. We've had only a couple of volunteers, so I'm now assigning the non-volunteers to sections (as well as listing our existing committed volunteers). Since the first thing we need to discuss is the decisions and requirements (and since people's first draft of their section may be informed by that work) that will have the first due date 48 hours before the teleconference. A first draft of the sections then can be due 24 hours before the teleconference. Note that the people on the to line are the participants of the API stream and all of us have work due next week for this stream. The work assignments/action items are (on all of these, earlier is better): Raj, by 12 noon ET Tuesday the 28th of June, please distribute to the list the API relevant requirements and design decisions (the equivalent to what Marc did for the protocols group). Dan Druita, by 12 noon ET Wednesday the 29th of June, please to the list a first draft of API and IDL for item 3 [The API hooks relating to "setting up" or "preparing" or "checking the capabilities" of a request (both recognition and TTS)]. Debbie, by 12 noon ET Wednesday the 29th of June, please to the list a first draft of API and IDL for items 4 and 5 [The API hooks for specifying grammars and also other recognition properties (both what these properties are, and how to specify them); The API hooks for getting speech results back (both the EMMA XML and text representation that was in a couple of proposals and Bjorn outlined, but also the continuous results that we talked about at the F2F - this also possibly covers feedback functionality)]. Charles, by 12 noon ET Wednesday the 29th of June, please to the list a first draft of API and IDL for items 10, 11, and 12 [The API hooks related to actually doing a synthesis transaction; The synthesis events that are raised and the associated handlers and data (same caveat about timing as with 6); The API hooks for controlling synthesis, if any (pause, resume, play, etc.)]. Michael, by 12 noon ET Wednesday the 29th of June, please to the list a first draft of API and IDL for item 2 [The markup associated with the recognition element and any associated properties and api (I.e., the element, for label, implied behavior)]. Dan Burnett, by 12 noon ET Wednesday the 29th of June, please to the list a first draft of API and IDL for item 13 [The API to do text based recognition]. Bjorn, by 12 noon ET Wednesday the 29th of June, please to the list a first draft of API and IDL for item 6 [The recognition events that are raised and the associated handlers and data (including any semantics about time stamps and other related information we covered at the F2F)]. Olli, by 12 noon ET Wednesday the 29th of June, please to the list a first draft of API and IDL for item 8 [The API hooks related to hooking up with the capture system]. That still leaves 4 items that are unassigned that people could pick up once they finish their assigned items above (especially the 5 of us who only have one item; kudos to Charles and Debbie for volunteering for multiple sections) - or anyone else not assigned an item could grab. These items are: Item 7: The API hooks related to the protocol for both speech and synthesis (both what speech service to use, and also anything else the protocol team identifies as a need). This might have to wait until the protocol is further along (and might also be something someone on the protocol team wants to take). Item 9: The API hooks associated with actually doing the recognition. (This may, or may not, be different than a combination of 3 and 4 above). Item 14: The API to do a combination of bargeable synthesis and recognition. This was a little controversial, but we discussed it at the F2F. Item 15: The API hooks to do continuous recognition (both open microphone as well as dictation). This was covered some at the F2F and may just be part of 3, 4, and 9 above.
Received on Thursday, 23 June 2011 04:55:52 UTC