- From: Young, Milan <Milan.Young@nuance.com>
- Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2011 11:57:27 -0700
- To: Bjorn Bringert <bringert@google.com>, Deborah Dahl <dahl@conversational-technologies.com>
- CC: HTML Speech XG <public-xg-htmlspeech@w3.org>
Bjorn, are you arguing that we don't need to solve this problem, or that something about the JavaScript flow control implicitly handles the issue? Thanks -----Original Message----- From: public-xg-htmlspeech-request@w3.org [mailto:public-xg-htmlspeech-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Bjorn Bringert Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2011 11:23 AM To: Deborah Dahl Cc: HTML Speech XG Subject: Re: [speechXG] parameter setting for the recognition object My suggestion towards the end was to not have any special API support for atomically setting multiple parameters. That is, neither a map nor updateParameters(). This would match how setting parameters on DOM elements works. /Bjorn On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Deborah Dahl <dahl@conversational-technologies.com> wrote: > On today's call we talked about the general process of setting parameters > for recognition. In my proposal > (http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0086.h tml) > I had suggested that we might want to pick a couple of very frequently set > parameters (e.g. grammar and language) and allow them to be set directly as > parameters of the "start recognition" method, as a type of convenience > syntax. We agreed during the call that this was not necessary, and agreed > that all the parameters should be explicitly set on the recognition object, > e.g. something like "recognizer.endpointdetection(true)". However, this > raised the question of what happens when parameters are set while a > recognition is in progress. Bjorn's suggestion was to have an > "updateParameters" method that is invoked after the parameter setting > function is called to actually cause the parameters to take effect on the > recognition object. Another option is to distinguish parameters that take > effect immediately, like changing the grammar, from parameters that take > effect only when the next recognition occurs (like maxnbest). > We also discussed setting multiple parameters and whether there should be a > way to set several parameters in one call, as in this example that Olli > typed into irc: setParameters({ param1: value, param2: value2}). This might > be convenient, but Bjorn pointed out that it isn't done in any HTML API's. > I'm hoping to update my proposal and sent it out again next week, so any > discussion on the list in the meantime would be helpful. If anyone who was > on the call today has anything to add to this summary, that would be > helpful, too. > Debbie > > > -- Bjorn Bringert Google UK Limited, Registered Office: Belgrave House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London, SW1W 9TQ Registered in England Number: 3977902
Received on Thursday, 28 July 2011 18:57:59 UTC