RE: PLEASE READ: Prioritization questionnaire


would it be possible to extend the questionnaire to include today?

I did my preparation work, but I mistakenly thought that the deadline was today, not by today.

I apologize.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Dan Burnett
Sent: venerd́ 14 gennaio 2011 3.44
Subject: PLEASE READ: Prioritization questionnaire


The prioritization questionnaire is now ready and available at

As with the earlier requirements interest questionnaire, this one asks  
for only one input per Member organization.  If you are not officially  
a member of the Incubator Group, you should be :)  However, in the  
mean time you can fill out the text version (linked from the page  
above) and send it to me, Michael Bodell, or the list and we will  
incorporate it into the results.  Please, only one reply per  

The questionnaire is open through Wednesday of next week.  If you need  
an extension please let me know.

-- dan

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2011 09:33:26 UTC