There won't be a protocol call tomorrow. I figure SpeechTek will have some people distracted, and we still have work-items assignments from last week to get through before we bite off anything else.
Rather than have the call, please refer to the list below, and reply with ETA for your work items if you have any. (The ETA for my stuff is Tuesday 16th.)
-- Michael:
1. TODO: Add a sentence or two about the higher level motivation. [Michael Johnston]
4. TODO: Write the rationale for why we mix media and signal in the same session. [Michael Johnston]
10. TODO: no match is returned, is the EMMA no-match document required? [Yes. Michael will provide an example of uninterpreted]
11. TODO: Insert some EMMA document examples.
[Michael - a 1-best example, an n-best example, and a lattice example]
-- Milan:
6. TODO: Specify which headers are sticky. URI request parameters aren't standardized. [Milan]
8. TODO: Should GET-GRAMMARS also return the list of inactive grammars/rules? It's not clear how that would be useful. Also, the list of inactive rules could be rather long and unwieldy [Milan will review this]
-- Robert:
2. TODO: add a section on security. Include authentication, encryption, transitive authorization to fetch resources. [Robert Brown]
7. TODO: Specify Completion-Cause value for no input stream.
[Robert - pick something away from the existing values]